Metalco Distribuidora Exportadora e Importadora

About us
Marco International

Metalco Sustainability Customers Suppliers



Sustainable development


METALCO is aware about the limits of the planet’s natural resources.  For this reason, the company sees environmental responsibility as an important parameter for its actions.

Believing in a more rational use of resources, METALCO bets on the use of steel and aluminum, which are 100% recyclable and top the ranking of the most recycled materials in the word. Steel and aluminum can be entirely reused in their own production. They can be remanufactured innumerable times without losing their original properties.  This feature allows reducing the consumption of raw materials and contributing to the preservation of resources.

METALCO also requires environmentally responsible actions from its suppliers. The Dealer holds partnerships only with suppliers who believe in sustainable development and have projects under way in this area.





Av. Angélica, 2318 – 9º andar – cj. 91 - Zipcode: 01228-200 – Consolação - São Paulo - SP
Phone: 55 (11) 3151-4002 / 3256-0436
3159-3587/ 3159-3589

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