Metalco Distribuidora Exportadora e Importadora

About us
Marco International

Metalco Sustainability Customers Suppliers





METALCO is concerned about conducting a rigorous analysis of suppliers, requiring excellent levels for the products offered. As a company guided by environmentally responsible values, METALCO is also attentive to the commitment of suppliers regarding the preservation of natural resources, and operates only with business with environmental responsible projects in course.  Presently, METALCO is working with suppliers based in Asia, Europe and Latin America.




Av. Angélica, 2318 – 9º andar – cj. 91 - Zipcode: 01228-200 – Consolação - São Paulo - SP
Phone: 55 (11) 3151-4002 / 3256-0436
3159-3587/ 3159-3589

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